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Leader beware: How AI perpetuates mistruths about motivation
BY: Susan Fowler
PUBLISHED: September 27, 2023
Lessons on motivation from the odd friendship of Maslow and Frankl
BY: Susan Fowler
PUBLISHED: July 26, 2023
Free your leadership by challenging assumed constraints
BY: Susan Fowler
PUBLISHED: June 28, 2023
WD-40’s secret formula might surprise you, Garry Ridge says
BY: Susan Fowler
PUBLISHED: May 24, 2023
Why keep trying to motivate people when you can’t?
BY: Susan Fowler
PUBLISHED: April 26, 2023
Why mastering motivation makes good business sense
BY: Susan Fowler
PUBLISHED: March 22, 2023
Unlocking psychological sense
BY: Susan Fowler
PUBLISHED: February 22, 2023
Proof that procrastinating is bad for your health
BY: Susan Fowler
PUBLISHED: January 25, 2023
Fulfilling the promise of SDT: A journey from theory to practical application (keynote)
What if organizations grasped the business case for optimal motivation at work? How could applying SDT-based leadership capacities facilitate those who joined the Great Resignation only to experience the Great Regret and end up as quiet quitters? For decades, Susan Fowler has dedicated herself to honoring SDT research while endeavoring to get to the other side of complexity to make good science applicable to leaders at all levels. In her keynote, Susan reveals learning journeys focused on the Spectrum of Motivation and leadership capacities that encourage choice, deepen connection, and build competence and much more.
Leadership and the New Imperative: Improving People’s Psychological Sense
Susan Fowler speaking at the Association for Talent Development’s 2023 International Conference and Expo! High performance suffers when leaders fail to create a culture that supports flourishing. Leaders need the capacity to promote performance without eroding people’s well-being. This new imperative requires a shift in focus and priorities, but you might be astonished by how elegantly it results in thriving and effective workplaces.
Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work and What Does
Susan Fowler, Founder & CEO of Mojo Moments, and Garry Ridge, Chairman Emeritus of WD-40 Company, discuss how to integrate motivation science into your leadership approach or coaching practice. Susan and Garry will be sharing insights from Susan’s newest book, Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work… and What Does, Second Edition. Watch the recording: