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is the heart of Mojo Moments
Our approach to leadership is foundational and universal—making it relevant in any organization, culture, or country. To meet international demands, we’ve built a global partner network of experts fully supported by Mojo Moments to deliver experiential learning journeys, access materials and tools, and host training events at the local level.
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What optimally motivated people leaders are saying
The concepts I learned from Mojo Moments shed new light on …
The concepts I learned from Mojo Moments shed new light on how I work with my staff, run the team, and coach individual student athletes. Understanding motivation through a different lens changed the way we debrief practices and improved my ability to connect with talented but challenging personalities. Our performance improved with a conference championship and national tournament appearance.
Following the Mojo Moments process for facilitating motivation conversations was especially useful with a pitcher on our team, helping understand him better and creating choices he found meaningful. Thriving in this new environment, he took responsibility for himself and had a terrific finish to his career and overall experience. He recently signed a contract with the Milwaukee Brewers to continue his playing career. This is a significant accomplishment for him. I’m so grateful for your unique and powerful approach to motivation—and wanted to share our success!
Head Baseball Coach, Concordia University, Nebraska
I deal with three levels of motivation every day. I need …
I deal with three levels of motivation every day. I need staff members to follow protocols and regulations. I need patients to follow recommended regimens. And, faced with unprecedented economic and logistical challenges for running a healthcare practice, there are days when I need to master my own motivation. Mojo Moments provides me with the models, framework, and methodology for facilitating effective motivation conversations. If you catch me talking when no one else is around, I’m probably having one of those conversations with myself!
DPT, OCS, Owner, North County Water And Sports Therapy Center
At the end of March 2020 all my coaching and training work was cancelled due to the new pandemic. I had a couple of …
At the end of March 2020 all my coaching and training work was cancelled due to the new pandemic. I had a couple of days of what felt like desperation. What would
happen? My business was gone. There’s nothing I can do. But then, I tapped into what I’ve learned from Mojo Moments and created choice, connection, and competence.
I realized I had no control over how the pandemic would pan out, but I had a choice
about how I responded. This immediately shifted my mindset to what I COULD do.
Dedicating myself to the new world of remote learning, virtual delivery has become my
new norm. What seemed devastating has become an opportunity to enhance a skill
that was underdeveloped. I’ve produced more new material in the last year than I have
in the previous 10. I’m still enjoying the journey and the last year was one of my busiest
because I recognized I had a choice, I connected with people I cared about, and aligned
with my value of ongoing learning, increasing my competence.
Mastering my motivation has had a profound impact on the way I approach challenges and goals. If I lose steam on a project …
Mastering my motivation has had a profound impact on the way I approach challenges and goals. If I lose steam on a project or am distracted, I realize my motivation is off track. It also bothers me that I may not get the results I need. My suboptimal motivation can be psychologically draining. One of the first triggers for me to become aware of what’s happened is when I skip my daily exercises. In the past, I thought it was low blood sugar. I’d grab a snack to help get my energy up. After learning the skill of motivation, I now know how to get back on track — and it no longer requires chocolate. Mojo Moments’ learning experiences have given me insights into my situation and provided fundamental skills to create the choice, connection, and competence to generate optimal motivation. I appreciate the ability to pencil out how choice, connection, and competence can shift my motivation. Soon after refocusing, I find I have the vitality I need to complete tasks and succeed. I value this process and have used it successfully to help my family members and friends, too.
Karen Mathis
CFO, NSAI Energy
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